Invalid checkpoint

I also have “checkpoint is too old”, and the last block downloaded was 205179, eight days ago

Do I have to uninstall and reinstall?

Do I also have to re-download the blockchain - if so, how do I delete the old blockchain files?


[quote=“RobertLloyd, post:61, topic:3691”]I also have “checkpoint is too old”, and the last block downloaded was 205179, eight days ago

Do I have to uninstall and reinstall?

Do I also have to re-download the blockchain - if so, how do I delete the old blockchain files?


'fraid so.
On a raspberry pi (debian linux) nothing was uninstalled.
version 0.4.1 was downloaded from a Sunny King 11/11/2015 post on this forum
the /bin/ contents don’t work but the make instructions did
You don’t have to remove the old blockchain as it is not that big.
On linux you get a terminal open and
./ppcoin-qt -datadir=newdir
where newdir is a brand new empty directory which you created for the new blockchain and then copied your existing wallet.dat and peercoin.conf into
After a week downloading, it seems to recognise as confirmed the PPC which I’d put into wallet.dat and recognises the passphrase for it.
I haven’t figured out yet how to get it minting and might leave it on for a month to see what happens after the uneventful typing of

walletpassphrase “my wallet passphrase is not disclosed here you dumkopf” 999999 true
in a [help][debug console]

So in summary,
uninstall : not needed in linux
delete old blockchain : did not do that, created a new directory instead
install new version : needed
download whole blockchain : took me a week

Thanks, Whizz

I have Peerunity on windows, rather than linux/PeercoinQT

Where do I find the directory with the blockchain? I am not even sure what it looks like - is it a windows folder with files in?

So, I have a choice between between keeping the directory and deleting/replacing the blockchain, or creating a new/parallel directory - does anyone have a recommendation?

In Windows Vista and later, the default location for data files is:

C:\Users\{YOUR USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\PPCoin

(You may have to “show hidden files” to navigate to this folder, or alternatively, you can just type it directly into File Explorer.)

Look inside that folder and save a copy of the wallet.dat file. All the other files and directories can be safely deleted.

Restart Peerunity and the blockchain will automatically begin re-downloading from the beginning.

Thanks, that worked

When I restarted Peerunity, a new version of wallet.dat appeared - I dragged this away and put in its place my original saved version

Do I need to keep the new “empty” wallet.dat for any reason, or can I just delete it?

Delete it.