[How To] Stakebox (replacement for the Peerbox)

I needed this package so when I get some free time I’ll test this on RPI. (I need to setup a PI first)

i just ran sudo apt-get install ./peercoin-qt_0.8.3-1_armhf.deb
reboot and started peercoin
the splashscreen says it’s version v0.8.1.0-unk
so it s not 0.7 anymore…
I’ll report tomorrow or so when it has fully synced

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it has fully synced, that was quick. It seems the filters/headers in the transactions and minting tabs are empty.
clicking on them still make the tables sort, so it is just text thats empty

I went with sudo dpkg -i peercoin-qt_0.8.3-1_armhf.deb,
but I have these errors. What do to?


Install the missing dependencies.

sudo apt install libevent-dev libprotobuf-dev

Test pls:

peercoin-qt_0.8.4-1_armhf.deb (3.9 MB)

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Just installed it
Will test
Syncing now:

Raspbian (stretch) .deb packages can now be found on the github/releases.


Success. Looks good to me.



Installed raspbian-stretch-peercoin-qt_0.8.4-1_armhf.deb and it seems to be working fine for me, have synched and now processing blocks, thanks :+1:

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I have tried synching twice: first time the whole raspberry froze at 45%, I restarted it and it went back from 0.
I left it there around 24h, now I just came home and gave a look with vnc: peercoin was closed. I started it and it apparently has lost all the progress again, now I need to start from 0 :confused:
What can I do?

Is your SD card full?

I’m running my Pi in CLI mode. I downloaded and installed the raspbian-stretch-peercoind_0.8.4-1_armhf.deb package. Before the update I was running 0.7.1 and I was able to check the peercoin wallet status with command peercoind getinfo and I could also start minting.
Now this commands seems to be removed or renamed. What command shall I use now to check the system and start minting via CLI? Is it still possible?

yes use peercoin-cli for the commands, getinfo is deprecated, but peercoin-cli -getinfo should still show things

Thanks @irritant, it worked fine. Minting is now also running again with peercoin-cli walletpassphrase command. Is this command deprecated too?

As -getinfo is deprecated, is there a new parameter to get the same output? Normally deprecated calls will be removed by the time and for now it seems to be the only chance to get a short system overview. Or is there a chance to get the same information via several other calls? In this case I could create a small script to get the same output again.

This call was removed in version 0.8. Use the appropriate fields from:

  • getblockchaininfo: blocks, difficulty, chain
  • getnetworkinfo: version, protocolversion, timeoffset, connections, proxy, relayfee, warnings
  • getwalletinfo: balance, keypoololdest, keypoolsize, paytxfee, unlocked_until, walletversion

peercoin-cli has the option -getinfo to collect and format these in the old format. (code -32601)

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gettxoutsetinfo for total amount of coins circulating

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I still have 10GB available. Have tried many times restarting it, but nothing changes, what can I do?

Certanly nothing I can do about it, looks like some random error on your end.

I mean: is there any debug log on the file system I can see, in order to understand why it crashes? Error codes or something that could help back trace it