How to: Peerbox Support Thread (Updated to v0.6.1)

Yes it’s working now. Thanks again for your help!


GJ mate

Peerbox seems to have crashed and I’m getting these error messages:

x:~ $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install peerboxE: Archives directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing. - Acquire (117: Structure needs cleaning)

x:~ $ sudo systemctl start ppcoin-qt@pi.service
A fatal error occured. PPCoin can no longer continue safely and will quit.
EXCEPTION: N5boost12interprocess22interprocess_exceptionE
No such file or directory
ppcoin in Runaway exception

x:~ $ sudo peerbox -health
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/peerbox”, line 404, in
node = Client(testnet=False)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/peercoin_rpc/”, line 29, in init
self.username, self.password = self.userpass() ## try to read from ~/.ppcoin
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/peercoin_rpc/”, line 49, in userpass
with open(’/home/{0}/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf’.format(getpass.getuser()), ‘r’) as conf:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/root/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf’

  • hmm, the .ppcoin folder is empty

Seems like a corrupt SD card to me.

Thank-you Peerchemist. Better a corrupt SD card, I was worried it was a hack.

Is there a way to encrypt the wallet? There doesn’t seem to be an equivalent method in peercoin_rpc, so seems it needs to be added?

Yes you are correct peercoin_rpc does not support it yet. It does need to be added.

Submitted a pull request for this.

Will make some separate requests for peerbox itself.

Is there any information that can be extracted to improve this? The peerunity ui had a breakdown by accounts. Also, the lock icon “unlocked for minting only” was also informative. From user perspective it’s kind of a black box regarding what accounts are being minted and eligible.

Also, what does “stake” mean when running “peerbox -info”?

That’s the staked coins waiting to be returned to your balance which are locked for a limited time after you successfully minted a PoS-block.

What could be the reason behind that error?
Peerbox worked well until yesterday but now, after I’ve tried hopelessly to install namecoind, I’m getting the following message.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo peerbox -start
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/peerbox”, line 404, in
node = Client(testnet=False)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/peercoin_rpc/”, line 32, in init
self.username, self.password = self.userpass() ## try to read from ~/.ppcoin
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/peercoin_rpc/”, line 52, in userpass
with open(’/home/{0}/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf’.format(getpass.getuser()), ‘r’) as conf:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/root/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf’

the ppcoin.conf still exists in both /home/root/.ppcoin/ and /home/pi/.ppcoin/
I’ve already made a copy of the ppcoin.conf and wallet.dat files, deleted afterwards all the files in both .ppcoin folders, removed the peerbox and installed it new. Unfortunately I’m still getting the same error.

What else could I do? I doubt that the sd card is corrupt because all the other processes are still working fine.

I don’t know much about peerbox internals. But you can check the address on to check if the coins got transferred to that address.
If it isn’t, the problem is not with peerbox but with the client that has sent the coins.
If it is, @peerchemist will help you further :wink:

Thanks but I don’t worry about the coins. They got sucessfully transfered to my wallet a while ago.
I’m more concerned about the fact that I can’t start peerbox anymore.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ peerbox -start
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

If I try to start it as root than I get the message I’ve posted before.
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/root/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf’

I have no idea why but peerbox is working again.
Maybe I’ve just overworked my little PI Buddy a little bit. :grin:

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Something went wrong here, it seems like it got executed as root.

Got peerbox up & running again, but was not able to recover the 20 ppc I received for setting up the node, which was stored in the associated wallet. I do still have the .ppcoin folder (including wallet.dat) that was in my /home folder, though I have been unsuccessful in restoring the 20 ppc. The restored wallet shows zero ppc. With the logs in the .ppcoin folder, would there be some way to investigate what actually happened to the 20 ppc?
If this was indeed a corrupt SD card, the only affected folders were peerbox & ppcoin - everything else seems fine. Although the routing of my RPi’s IP address on my router was also changed as a result of this incident, whatever it was.
BTW, where the heck is peerbox located on the RPi ?

Don’t use sudo.

Thanks for the tip.
Was able to get peerbox and ppcoind back up and running on the original SD card, though wallet has zero balance. Easy come, easy go I guess. My bad, no external B.U. for .ppcoin and wallet.dat.

A Raspberry Pi Zero W can run this too, right? Or would be a Pi 3 better?

Created issue to track this by creating a system account.