How many volunpeers have we got?

Want to include this info in the London presentation to dhow we have a dedicated community. Also what categories of work are each undertaking?

There are 60 members on this forum that are part of the Peercoin Activist group so they are your volunpeers :slight_smile: think JBT has a spreadcheet of more detail on their roles


There are 60 members on this forum that are part of the Peercoin Activist group so they are your volunpeers :slight_smile: think JBT has a spreadcheet of more detail on their roles


Sent out another email for additional clarification for the London presentation. As far as volunpeers, right now, we’re just trying to get everyone working on something small. Although there’s roles assigned, with the madness that’s Bitcoin right now, it’ll be a challenge to get a collective effort moving quickly. That’s ok, we’re making gradual progress every day!