Hiring a Marketing/PR Person

[quote=“super3, post:17, topic:2134”]What about this guy?

It seems that this guy has enthusiasm on Peercoins and may attract girls to become Peercoiners.

[quote=“caribou, post:21, topic:2134”][quote=“super3, post:17, topic:2134”]What about this guy?

It seems that this guy has enthusiasm on Peercoins and may attract girls to become Peercoiners.[/quote]

;D ;D ;D

[quote=“caribou, post:21, topic:2134”][quote=“super3, post:17, topic:2134”]What about this guy?

It seems that this guy has enthusiasm on Peercoins and may attract girls to become Peercoiners.[/quote]

We at least have one dedicated girl here that supports Peercoin!

[quote=“Cybnate, post:20, topic:2134”]What about calling it Peercoin advocacy? And whoever does the job is the Peercoin advocate. We need to play by the rules but a little creativity to differentiate ourselves won’t hurt.
Just an idea, I’m not too bothered about it honestly.[/quote]

Notice when you first read the forum topic, and it said Marketing/PR Person. Most people instantly would have thought “oh, I know what that is”

Sticking with traditional titles for traditional mainstream media contacts is best, to avoid confusion.

Let’s find this person and then ask them what type of title they are willing to run with…

Ideally this person or group of people, will be some one who has already done a TV interview, or radio talk show, or youtube / skype recorded video…

Some one who we can see how they perform on camera in their past experiences. Ideally the person will be charismatic, well spoken, and have a neat and clean appearance. These traits help a LOT when you need to put forward a public image.

Which brings this to mind:

I think we’ve all seen this guy with the freaky glasses, weird homemade hat, which kind of conveys the message “Bitcoin people are freaks and are not to be taken seriously.”


If Peercoin is going to hold a lot of value and seek a lot of good investment, we want to attract some white collars in the financial industry to find us appealing in the way we conduct ourselves.

look at this, maybe interesting to cooperate with

[quote=“irritant, post:25, topic:2134”]look at this, maybe interesting to cooperate with

It’s an interesting concept, but with a flaw. Every coin in general feels like it is in competition with every other coin out there, irregardless if each coin serves a different market niche or not.

Now we’re thinking of a centralized coin alliance that promises to promote all it’s coin members equally?

I think it would become a political nightmare. The person who started it, made their intention well known already:

"Personal message from myself: I'm a content creator myself" (and also said) " Our stable income, will come from selling merchandise and from membership fees"

This is a job this person is creating for themselves. Their motive is to “create a stable income” for the organization and use their talents as one of the founders to run it, and get paid for it.

I don’t fault him for trying that… But as I mentioned it would probably become a political nightmare to administrate. Even as a community we have a hard time reaching a consensus on certain things. Now all of a sudden we’re going to ride the same school bus with tons of other competing coins, and come to a consensus in a coin alliance? Maybe some day, but not any time soon.

Sound good though.

Peercoin, member of the Cryptocoin alliance 8)

But agree with you PPCman, it will be a political nightmare.

Label: BeyondBitcoin
Address: vx31.commandchannel.com
Port: 2077
Username: “Your Forum Handle Here”
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

Peercoin has been given its own channel. Feel free to use it and keep me informed on upcoming changes so I can help inform the public. I am basically offering free PR here…as I have studied what you guys are doing and believe that your community and devs are some of the best around.

Of course, I will always accept tips to help with running the server (especially as slots expansions are required) because I have a new baby to feed, but I am largely doing this so my baby can live in a world free from monopoly control and attempts to enslave entire populations. In short, I want you guys to succeed in making the world a better place…

I also have someone interested in doing a podcast (which you guys could be part of!). Please feel free to contact me at BeyondBitcoin@gmail.com for more information.

This is something that I already do as my full time job and would we interested to be involved with for Peercoin.

Inmo the best way to split the workload is to have the front man that does interviews and goes to conferences and then the back room which is distribution of content.

Distribution is all about getting the right content in front of the right targets related to your goal ,this is the part that I do.

So using Facebook Ads , YT Ads, Adwords , Twitter to find people already into BTC and make them aware of Peercoin and to take a specific action , eg download wallet.

Then measuring wallet downloads ,forum posts,YT views etc to gauge performance.

I dont think its worth doing this until one click minting is sorted out as this is one of the biggest features of PPC and in its current form i think it will confuse people .

I think Silverstacker’s last paragraph makes a very valid and important point

Was this ever decided? Is there an official contact point?

Nope, nope

I think the community is currently focused on 3 major things:

a) Peercoin video
b) 0.4 release upgrade mandatory by May 4th
c) Peershares testing

Once those are out of the way, we’ll be back to the PR person. Especially since Peercoin’s value should be increased by then and it will be easier to fund PR type projects. We’ll see.

Whomever wanted to be the PR person, started by volunteering “for free”, once thee community saw your performance they’d do a fundraiser to give reward your time at the chance of losing you. We’re a very responsible community and when push comes to shove, we always come through.

I believe interested candidates will eventually start showing up, and propositioning the community. We mentioned that we’d want to see what other things you’ve done. A demo-reel as an example.

Lol. I think everyone using peercoin should be doing the marketing in some way!
However, most important is that each of us should know how to win each arguments by knowing which point can be used to attack other currencies in general, and how to prove that our coin is better than the other.
We do have the resources and tech to win the arguments, we just need to be more organized with our arguments, and each of us need to be more knowledgeable in terms of peercoin in general.

So far, my discussion here is best in answering some critical arguments like the transaction fee, “store of value” only, impending 51% attack to bitcoin and other currencies, blockchain sizes, speed of transaction (which is lightning fast for us), electricity consumption, better off-chain integration for ours, etc. Suggestion for better PPC: better system for reward & less “Transaction Fee” when Trading (One that will make PPC better than bitcoin for sure)
This way we can convince other developers and investors to join our team.

I see bitcoin 51% very damaging for investors. Everytime it happens, the price will drop. Investor will lose money over and over again, and have to move their money in and out their bitcoin. The brokers will be happy though, because they get some percentage everytime we move our money. Found that line somewhere, and I think it is a very very good argument. “why risk our hard earned money?” we can keep it secure in peercoin