Global Mint rate

Is it possible to know how many peercoins are minting globally at any one time, kind of like the global bitcoin hashrate

there is

ppcoind getdifficulty

showing the PoS difficulty, and i guess you can calculate the amount of PPC that is minting from the pos difficulty, dont ask me how tho :slight_smile:

[quote=“irritant, post:2, topic:3565”]maybe…
there is

ppcoind getdifficulty

showing the PoS difficulty, and i guess you can calculate the amount of PPC that is minting from the pos difficulty, dont ask me how tho :)[/quote]

Yeah that gives the current POS difficulty, i’m interested in finding out the total amount of coins minting to figure out how much would be needed for a 51% attack and the cost in USD. It would be interesting to compare this to the total cost required to 51% bitcoin.

When you know the POS difficulty, you can calculate the number of coins minting with the formula:

number_of_coins_minting = (POS_difficulty * 2^32) / 36000

So the current POS difficulty of 15.75794122 means that around 1879995 coins are minting (8.37% of the total money supply).

An 8btc forum member offer a different perspective:

Basically, he concluded that 94% of newly-generated coindays are destroyed.

[quote=“redlee, post:5, topic:3565”]An 8btc forum member offer a different perspective:

Basically, he concluded that 94% of newly-generated coindays are destroyed.[/quote]

Hi [member=10912]redlee[/member], thanx for the link, would you mind translating it in english please?

as per the data from
Current PPC in circulation is 22,427,411.05,so newly-generated coindays are 22,427,411/day
How many minted coins through
roughly: 6,626 /11.5 days(or 2016 blocks)= 576 ppc/day
36500 coindays=1PPC
576PPC*36500=21,030,347 coindays


been doing this once several months Cryptoblog - notícias sobre bitcoin e criptomoedas!

[quote=“irritant, post:2, topic:3565”]maybe…
there is

ppcoind getdifficulty

showing the PoS difficulty, and i guess you can calculate the amount of PPC that is minting from the pos difficulty, dont ask me how tho :)[/quote]

I deduced my formula from the hash test formula of the minting process:

hash < coins * dayweight * target

As ‘hash’ is a value between 0 and 2^256, and as ‘target’ is (2^224 / ‘difficulty’), we can write the probability to pass the hash test:

p = (coins * dayweight * (2^224 / difficulty)) / 2^256
  = (coins * dayweight) / (difficulty * 2^32)

From that, and knowing that there is one hash test per second, you can get the average time to pass the hash test:

t = 1 / p
  = (difficulty * 2^32) / (coins * dayweight)

Here, we are interested in the total number of coins minting, and we know that they find a block every 10 minutes (600 seconds) on average:

coins = (difficulty * 2^32) / (dayweight * 600)

In the formula I used in the post above, I took the maximum value for ‘dayweight’ (60 when the coins are at least 90 days old).
Since then, I computed the average age a coin has when it is used in a stake that finds a block. For the last 2016 blocks (between 180759 and 172775), I got an average age of 77.81 days (an average dayweight of 47.81).

With the difficulty around 15.95, this gives a number of minting coins around 2388000 (10.63% of the total money supply).


Thanx for your detailed answer [member=30128]glv[/member], updated the wiki page to point to your last post.

proof-of-work difficulty 1 represents 4 billion (232) hashes.
proof-of-stake difficulty 1 represents 4 billion (2
32) coin-day-second, that is, if you have 1 million coin-day you can roughly expect a difficulty 1 block in 4000 seconds. Also note the coin-age calculation here requires the age to be over 30 days and capped at 90 days.[/quote]

[quote=“glv, post:9, topic:3565”]Here, we are interested in the total number of coins minting, and we know that they find a block every 10 minutes (600 seconds) on average:

coins = (difficulty * 2^32) / (dayweight * 600)

With the difficulty around 15.95, this gives a number of minting coins around 2388000 (10.63% of the total money supply).[/quote]

Using an address with a half million PPCs today I measured there are 10.9% coins minting.

The actual blocktime is 150hours/880 * 60 = 10.2 min.
This address alone has 1.86 million for minting.

[quote=“redlee, post:13, topic:3565”]
This address alone has 1.86 million for minting.[/quote]

That address mostly has 10k - 20k utxos, so there are probably less than 200 utxos in total in the address. It will run out of mintable ones very soon and won’t have a lasting effect on the network. I think it is the “cold” wallet of an exchange.