Findstake finds my stake

Hey kac-,

According to the prediction of findstake that you made, one of my stakes should mint a block today. Before the time was up I ran peerunity, a live block explorer, and a clock in front of me. Exactly at the time findstake predicted, to the second, the transaction page of peerunity showed that I minted a block!

Wow you are my hero, kac-! ;D I have been having peercoins for more than a year, minting on and off, and have been running peerbox non-stop since August. This is the FIRST time I find a peercoin POS block – in front of me no less. Tip on the way!

After a closer examination of debug.log, I find that it was my peerbox that found the block, because its clock is a little faster than my laptop’s. Good job both kac- and peerchemist!

I’m happy to hear that you didn’t miss the block. Beside sweet smell from freshly minted coins that’s one more brick to Peercoin fortress.

ppcd is mably’s project, I used libraries on which we worked on together.
Thanks for the tip!

I’m surprised that more minters aren’t using findstake. It seems to me like one of the biggest breakthroughs in making minting convenient and safe, even more so than cold minting. Is there some way to make it more available to people? maybe integrated into the Peerunity minting tab?

This would be ideal.

Is this a deterministic thing?

EDIT: Let me rephrase the question.

Is it possible to use findstake, to simulate spending coins to addresses in such a way that it would be possible to run through enough simulations in order to calculate the pre-conditions required to launch a highly likely to succeed attack on the network, using an amount of coins, so small that the attack would be feasible?

I have wondered about the attack scenario too, maybe kac- can clarify. I imagine it may be at least possible for massive holders (those already capable of double spends) to use findstake to coordinate their stakes and see in advance when an attack is possible.

Though even if attacks are a concern, increased awareness of findstake may still be beneficial if it results in more participation and raised difficulty, or prompts Sunny/sigmike to make any security changes in response.

had a quick look at the go code of findstake.

Not sure what is database is used for locally, but the code can be compiled to javascript with

so to make it available on peercalculator?

Few points:

  • searching for minting times is in fact sha256 hashing(but current mining ASICs cannot be reused here)
  • after you move your coins, you have to wait 9 days to be able to search for minting opportunities in the future
  • current difficulty isn’t safe enough imo

Thanks for addressing my concerns kac-

I’ve just glanced at the source code I seen something about kernels and also a stake modifier or something. I’m still to ignorant to understand things here, but I guess that “something happens” when you move the coins that is out the attackers control, so that the attacker really first have to move the coins and then see what went into the kernel? The source code says that “he purpose of stake modifier is to prevent a txout (coin) owner from computing future proof-of-stake generated by this txout at the time” and I just want to make sure that you’ve not found a workaround to this?!

Yes. Sync. check-pointing is still needed. Peerchemists Peerbox and coldminting and findstake excellent ways to help with this.

Still valid.

Hi kac-,

Regarding your findstake tool. Is there any chance we can work with the live Peercoin blockchain “~/.ppcoin/blocks” instead of

If not, could you please explain how unspent-141k was created (doesn’t look like the official blockchain format)? ppcd?

This db contains unspent outputs and related data needed to mint.

BlockFromTime int64
StakeModifier uint64
PrevTxOffset uint32
PrevTxTime int64
PrevTxOutIndex uint32
PrevTxOutValue int64
IsProtocolV03 bool
StakeMinAge int64
TxTime int64

Peerunity could serve this data through custom RPC method. Who’s interested in using it?

Hi there,

As a wanted to learn the go language, I thought I could try and port this findstake go-script to javascript.

After a long day it is still unfinished as I havent tested it properly.

Many questions remains as to where the data needed to calc the doublehash is to be retrieved from ( For example, I ve never heard of StakeModifier before, so if others could chime in on github and get this free tool available as an alternative to peercoinposcalculator. :))

peace out

@thehuntergames all you need to implement is that function
Your code should find a stake with this example data
The rest is app specific.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll try to implement RPC call to retrieve all data needed to mint.


I am pleased to announce the completion of the first phase of FindstakeJS project!
It can find stakes!

Please think with me how the following is to be retrieved from somewhere:

BlockFromTime int64
StakeModifier uint64
PrevTxOffset uint32
PrevTxTime int64
PrevTxOutIndex uint32
PrevTxOutValue int64
IsProtocolV03 bool
StakeMinAge int64
TxTime int64


progress update:
although far from finished,
you could try it out already with the data that is available here in a readable json format till block height 142000:!106


Hi thehuntergames,

Any progress with API? (You can contact snakie


FindStakeJS is going strong. ATM working on a nodejs web backend, as there is that same-origin policy browsers have. Also, the backend will have a leveldb backend, so in the end it should be able to sync its data with the blockchain.

ATM working on filling the leveldb database, but I was just wondering:

hi Kac-,
Would it be possible for you to generate another db with a higher MaxBlockHeight?

If it is no biggie to generate another one, I can parse this into the leveldb for nodejs, so the initial db that comes along with the second release of findstakejs will have the records of unspend tx till say 1 january 2015.

[quote=“thehuntergames, post:16, topic:3001”]bump

progress update:
although far from finished,
you could try it out already with the data that is available here in a readable json format till block height 142000:!106


I have cloned FindstakeJS. How to use it? I opened index.htm and it wasn’t obvious. What to do with tx.txt ? ???

please wait another week, I expect to have a complete version you can clone off by then