
  1. Environmentally Friendly

As we start really pushing to bust out of the crypto environment and start hitting the mainstream, we need to focus on hooks that differentiate us from Bitcoin. I ** STRONGLY ** recommend going the environmentally friendly route around PoS.

I highly agree with your suggestion. The media is going to come down on Bitcoin for being a power hog and we need to be there to hammer home that Peercoin is the solution. Any articles about this issue and we need to be in the comments section telling people about the energy saving benefits of Peercoin. Any writer that talks about Bitcoin’s power issues needs to be mass emailed about Peercoin so that they’ll write a follow up article about us. Is this what your swarm is reserved for?

JustaBitofTime, I know you were working with and supporting Feathercoin, but I don’t know the reasons why. From what you currently know about Peercoin, the concept and the ideas behind it, do you personally believe it to be the most superior coin design? Do you see it as something that could eventually replace Bitcoin as the leading cryptocurrency in the future? Just wondering what your opinion is on this, because that is supposed to be our message here.

Yes, we should be able to replace Bitcoin if we can pull all the pieces together. I met some guys over at Feathercoin after it launched and wanted to build a community of volunteerism. Once it hit a place I was comfortable, I handed everything over to ChrisJ.

[quote=“Excelsior”]Funny, I was going to make a post yesterday saying this very thing. The public doesn’t like lots of messages about a product… one great, convincing, memorable distinction is valuable to present to the public. And we have it.

Going green is quite the zeitgeist of the times and the media LOVES it.

I say we be aggressive about it. Don’t pull any punches. Cite statistics about how much power Bitcoin is wasting. Put it front and center and bold. We have a winning argument.

And then, as an aside, I would always include the other improvements (be it lower on the ‘ad’ or graphic page, or article) over Bitcoin… the transaction fees, security, inflation, etc.

But be bold and stark. Be competitive. I know we’re all in cryptos as a movement together, but regardless, we’re investing time and money in a frankly superior product. If others don’t know about it, it can fail. Let the markets decide… but make sure they know the truth clearly and memorably.

Pull no punches. We can and should replace Bitcoin in my opinion.[/quote]

I’m with you 100%.

Yes, we should be able to replace Bitcoin if we can pull all the pieces together. I met some guys over at Feathercoin after it launched and wanted to build a community of volunteerism. Once it hit a place I was comfortable, I handed everything over to ChrisJ.[/quote]

Just wondering, how do you feel our community is doing right now compared to when you first started putting together organization for the Feathercoin community?

Also, I agree 100% with Excelsior!

This message is DYING for an infographic. Imagine seeing a side-by-side comparison of Bitcoin vs. Peercoin as represented by little cartoon power plants or light bulbs…when Bitcoin has an exponentially higher amount, it will tell the story much more effectively than just raw quantitative data.

Daniel Kahneman (nobel-prize winning author of recent top-selling book of “Thinking, Fast and Slow”) makes a great argument that people are not designed to absorb information quickly through statistics…stories and simple heuristics are much, much more effective.

Another of my favorites is the following. Imagine the monster below is the trading volume of the NYSE…

That’s huge right? Now here’s the trading volume of the NYSE compared to the Forex market…

Lol, here’s another one with numbers…

These are pretty blatant and easy to understand graphics. We need something like this.

Cool. My favourite one is here:

Reddit has an entire subreddit dedicated to infographics that is usually really fun to read through.

[quote=“MeBeingAwesome, post:10, topic:474”]Cool. My favourite one is here:

Reddit has an entire subreddit dedicated to infographics that is usually really fun to read through.[/quote]

Lol, I was reading that for 8 minutes and 21 seconds. It kept my attention.