Bkchain web-wallets! (electrum-like client-side BIP32 deterministic webwallets)

Still a work in progress, but I have pushed my current version on github: https://github.com/bkchain/bkchain.org
It can be opened in a local browser (file://). For now it default to bkchain.org/api, but later that will be configurable (when backend will be opensourced)
Note that some features are still missing (esp. search).

Of course, feel free to contact me if you want to contribute!
It’s also possible to review wallet code security.

Note that API might change, and in that case you might have to upgrade client when I upgrade server.
Also, it’s not in production on server side yet (still using old python code).

It’s lot of work, so I hope it will be useful!

[quote=“bkchain, post:21, topic:2075”]Still a work in progress, but I have pushed my current version on github: https://github.com/bkchain/bkchain.org
It can be opened in a local browser (file://). For now it default to bkchain.org/api, but later that will be configurable (when backend will be opensourced)
Note that some features are still missing (esp. search).

Of course, feel free to contact me if you want to contribute!
It’s also possible to review wallet code security.

Note that API might change, and in that case you might have to upgrade client when I upgrade server.
Also, it’s not in production on server side yet (still using old python code).

It’s lot of work, so I hope it will be useful![/quote]
It’s great that you have now published the client side. Hope we will have some people to look into the code. Iwill play with it in the next few days.

Now that you have an active project on peer4commit.com, I recommend you take a few minutes to add tipping policies on peer4commit.com home page. This will prevent confusion on what happens with the funds for both the donors and the possible contributors. Here is the thread with more information: http://www.peercointalk.org/index.php?topic=2590.0. You might have a look at the other projects for what to put up there.

As promised, I published a preliminary version of backend (daemon) source code:

It’s still a work in progress, I might need to test/polish it more (rewrote lot of stuff before pushing it, incl. various new features that are not yet on the actual production server such as specialized UTXO DB).
However, now that the initial push out of the way, I will try to have everything in a good shape as soon as possible.

Soon I will try to improve packaging so that everybody can easily setup their own server & client.

As usual, feedback/help welcome!

Right. If you just said “Download from https://github.com/bkchain/bkchain.org/archive/master.zip and unpack on your own computer/tablet/smart phone, you are good to go” it would scared away a lot less people than “Check out from github”.

I just downloaded and tried the block explorer, the blockchain watcher, and opened a wallet. They just worked. VERY NICE!

Now if your wallet could mint POS…

Small update, just added a “backup” tabs, so that it’s easy to backup/save your private keys and reimport them in another wallet.

Can someone help me move out my coins struck in bkchain ppc wallet, whenever i send some amount, the remaining balance in a ppc wallet moves into “change” ppc wallets and they cannot be sent to any others.

I tried to search for accessing those ppc to be send through generate and send raw transactions like Electrum-doge which uses private key but never found anything for ppc.

I have 20ppc coins struck in my change wallets which cannot be used since 2days :frowning: :cry: