[ANN] ypool.net - Largest Primecoin pool

better post your full command line of miner

I got it sorted, had an extra x in the file that needed to be removed. thanks!

Hello, any plans on adding a manual cashout?
Also, any plans on modifying the pool fee to lower for more competition with other pools?


read [XPM]unofficial jhPrimeminer thread
Tried reading through it, but didn’t really find anything. Maybe I don’t know what to look for.

read [XPM]unofficial jhPrimeminer thread
Tried reading through it, but didn’t really find anything. Maybe I don’t know what to look for.[/quote]

If you just pick out what rdebourbon says in the thread you get 80% of useful things. -m 61 helps. but it was when diff was 9.xx.

I tried to find jhprimeminer.exe for win7 64bit but all I could find using google were links to dropbox download adresses which didn’t work any more. I registered at ypool.net and I don’t find the download link for window sbinaries there, too.

Someone has a link please?

Give aerocloud’s version a try, or you can download Visual Studios 2012 and compile it for yourself.


For an i7-4770 what command line should be used?
I’m just using stock right now, and have been happy with payout on ypool and beeeer, I wonder which miner is better? I’m trying to find out it’s too close to call.
Been using ypool for months and have always had good pay. I was using the real old miner from the dropbox link, I assume the new one is even better? Both were the AVX version.
Beeeer doesn’t have an AVX miner yet so I assume ypool should be better.

The benefits from using AVX with jhprimeminer is negligible to none. AeroCloud said there weren’t many places that it could be applied and it accounted for maybe .05% of the processing.

So im new to the primecoin.
Joined this pool, downloaded the reccomended miner, set up the user & password and started.

So for about 2 hours now im mining, total sharecount, 11 now.
Im running an FX8320, fully stock.

Is it good or is it possible to get some more out of it?


I run:
jhPrimeminer-T17v2.exe -port 10034 -u work_name -p work_pass -m 47 -m2 53 -m3 59 -m4 67

And i see:

CPU usage 98-100%.

What I do wrong?

update: CPU usage decreased to 3% after 4-5 min running :o

[quote=“jh00, post:1, topic:284”]Hi,

this is the official announcement for our Primecoin mining pool ypool.net
As of writing this we are the only Primecoin pool available currently. (Edit: Not the case any longer)

Some stats:

[ul][li]One of the largest pools world wide[/li]
[li]3% fee[/li]
[li]1000 confirmations per block[/li]
[li]Custom miner software & low latency protocol[/li]
[li]Already well established - More than 3000 people actively mining each day (over 35000 connected workers in average)[/li]
[li]High performance - Very low percentage (<0.5%) of rejected shares or miner downtime[/li]
[li]Active in development - New features coming every few days[/li]
[li]Very helpful and active community[/li][/ul]


Once registered, a detailed guide on how to start mining in our pool can be found in the ‘How To’ section.

  • jh00[/quote]

Lets Me Joint…hope have more lucky mining here…hehehe.thx :wink:

Is anyone else having trouble with their mining while mining through ypool? I havent found anything in a couple hours

I have a 2600k i7, this is the setup I have for miner: jhPrimeminer-T17v8.exe -port 10034 -u ???.worker1 -p ??? -m 47 -m2 53 -m3 59 -m4 67 …
What my question is should I have 8 -m for each core ? and why would I not just have each -M at 107 ? What would be the best setup and what should my speed be?

[quote=“Sta11ion, post:55, topic:284”]I have a 2600k i7, this is the setup I have for miner: jhPrimeminer-T17v8.exe -port 10034 -u ???.worker1 -p ??? -m 47 -m2 53 -m3 59 -m4 67 …
What my question is should I have 8 -m for each core ? and why would I not just have each -M at 107 ? What would be the best setup and what should my speed be?

I’ve been wondering this as well

jh00, any win32 program can run with ypool now?

What is the ypool Mining Manager software?
From what I read, it allows you to remotely control how your miner’s are mining, even changing coins?
What software needs to be on the miner to do this?

Is ypool close to (more than) 51% network hash power

[sup] Blocks found in past [/sup]
[td]1 Hour[/td] [td]3 Hour[/td] [td]6 Hour[/td] [td]12 Hour[/td] [td]24 Hour[/td][td]48 Hour[/td]
[td]31[/td] [td]87[/td] [td]170[/td] [td]363[/td] [td]715[/td][td]1325[/td]

with total 1440 blocks/day in network?

That’s nothing new. They’ve been over 51% on and off for a while now.