[ANN][LINUXLIVEISO][XPM][PTS] MinerAgent - A small Linux Live System for mining

This is just my point, this is a binary miner. no sig, could be anything.
I couldn’t find a linux version or the source code.
if its published i apologize, but i don’t go for close source windows only miners.

Great idea!

Hey MiWCryptoCurrencyMA,

I would be nice to get some answer to that very first over two weeks old PM :wink:


Sorry been really busy.
I have integrated DTC in as much as I have included a script for mining DTC.
As the DTC protocol uses XPM POW function and XPM mining protocol it always had this functionality.

I have also built in the new functionality:

  • datacoin mining examples and scripts
  • jhPrimeminer-Aero V16.5 by clintar
  • DHCP autoconfiguration
    put miner binary name and payout address/credentials in DHCP Vendor Options in your scope to build supervisor watchdog script to run your command
    added ssh public key support over DHCP, disables default password authentication
  • added vmwgfx.enable_fbdev=1 to kernel params to fix vmware no console bug in linux >3.9
    VMWare platform was said to be broken; testing showed failing to load framebuffer but ssh worked, added kernel param that enables. now works on VMware as expected.

Datacoin is an exciting project and I am eager to be a part of it.


[quote=“MiWCryptoCurrencyMA, post:24, topic:1223”]Hi,

Sorry been really busy.[/quote]
Me too…

So, I don’t know if you still want to include my scripts (as supervisord-based solution with identical functionality would require primeminer code modifications, as far as I understand the manuals). You can always grab them from github, however.

When you relase next version with shiny Datacoin logo, poke maxsolonc - he might sent you some tip :wink:

archived post for 1.3

Hash: SHA512

[ANN][LINUXLIVEISO][XPM][PTS] MinerAgent - A small Linux Live System (amd64) for [remote] mining of CryptoCurrency (iso image, bootable)

I would like to announce the a new release of MinerAgent.
Version 1.3 adds jh miners and miner signature verification as well as a newer kernel revision.
It shaves off a few unneeded libraries to come in at 98 MB

MinerAgent is a small [~100MB] (Linux) Debian Live iso, preconfigured for mining Primecoin and Protoshares with all needed libraries, sshd, perl, python, fail2ban, htop, screen & tmux.
It includes xolokrams primeminer/ptsminer & jh000 jhprimeminer/jhprotominer, with some Debian Live script configurations.
It uses Debian sid (Linux 3.12; libboost-1.54; openssl-1.0.1e; libgmp-5.1.3; libdb-6.0; libc-2.17)

This iso should boot on any modern 64 bit PC or server and provide quick access to beeeeer, rpool & ypool pools with Primecoin and ProtoShare mining. ****
This should work with any XPM or PTS pool that supports direct submission of payout addresses with either xolokrams or jh miners.
It is planned that this environment will have more CryptoCurrency support in future. Suggestions are requested.

To use: Insert into computer, or connect .iso to lights out or remote access console. Boot from disk or iso.
Please change your password!

mine with the following commands. you can use putty under windows, or ssh under unix to copy-paste.

XPM - Primecoin
beeeeer: primeminer -pooluser=<payout_address> -poolpassword=0 -poolip= -poolport=1337 -genproclimit=<num_cores>
rpool: primeminer -pooluser=<payout_address> -poolpassword=0 -poolip=rpool.net -poolport=8336 -genproclimit=<num_cores>
ypool: jhprimeminer -o http://ypool.net -u . -p

PTS - Protoshares
beeeeer: ptsminer PAYOUT_ADDRESS NUMBER_OF_CORES 27 avx
ypool: jhprotominer -o http://ypool.net -u . -p -t -m512

This Linux Live system requires no local storage and has no persistence. Passwords and any local configurations will be lost on reboot.
It is recommended that any local configurations be stored on a remote persistent store accessed via scp/ssh.
No “CryptoCurrency” exists in this iso, nor does it exist in the mining environment once booted. A miner submits shares on behalf of your payout address.

Miners included have been signed with MinerAgent public key. These miners were compiled from author or fork maintainer git repos with no modifications to the source.
Always be careful with unknown miner binaries. Malicious miners have been discovered in the wild!

Comments, Improvements, Feature Requests and Constructive Criticisms would be appreciated.

MiWMiner4gent@outlook.com (0xBF8A2DC7) pub.asc 3.13 KB (3203 bytes)


MinerAgent1.3.iso (98 MB)

SHA256(MinerAgent1.3.iso)= 238eaf73164535fb68c9f2f4fea939c3f6a389e1a69dc7b27d6a0cb8d1dc4244
SHA1(MinerAgent1.3.iso)= aa17b7f84e1312d5113e63b0a93b4d58cde7f309
MD5(MinerAgent1.3.iso)= 5d314cb23de17711b240445ef4eaa497


MinerAgent1.3.iso.sig (543 B)

MD5(MinerAgent1.3.iso.sig)= 25be525aa827b73e3f4e5fee2d0fb798
SHA1(MinerAgent1.3.iso.sig)= fa9fa2efca2e2335be2b189bc316a965fc25ef77
SHA256(MinerAgent1.3.iso.sig)= 159676ae7c9c615b2a01aad0e8702ef69ed506fbe01da2834b7f5ff4a21ef497


Debian Live Scripts for generating iso:


CryptoCurrency mining is a resource intensive process. it will attempt to use 100% of CPU resources for mining, generate heat and noise (fans, dhcp logs, etc).
If you choose to use this software, please use it responsibly and only on hardware you own or are authorised to use.
No responsibility is taken for any damage to hardware caused by the use of this software. Cooling is essential.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)


Nice job on making this ISO.

Is it somehow possible to make changes? For example, I would like jhPrimeMiner to start on boot with the appropriate parameters

The best way is to supply the miner binary name and options via DHCP.

If you set up a vendor DHCP class of “MinerAgent” and 001 miner-binary = jhprimeminer-aero; 002 miner-options = -u abc -o X.X.X.X; 003 automine-enabled = 1;

ive found a bug, i was scrubbed too many characters from DHCP option, URL’s dont work because it drops the “:” and “/” characters. now fixed
I will release an updated version tonight.

Did you update the source?


i just pushed version 1.4.1 to github

uncle-bob minerd for Quark (also SCRYPT and SHA256D)
fixes dhcp miner options not accepting “:” or “/”

ill do a proper ANN and sign the iso tomorrow

Could you integrate primewatch script into iso?

Will it be possible in 1.4.1 to add the configuration of your jhprimeminer on the usb stick, or is a share still required?

@witsli_putsli i asked the author about 3 weeks ago if he minded, they said go for it, so ill put it in next iso release.

@EspieNL - usb stick? this is an bootable iso… however you have given me an idea, there should be another way to send the miner-binary, miner-options and automine-enabled values. as it stands (tonight, 1.4.1 only supports autoconfiguration via DHCP. i should write up a tutorial on how to configure this.)

The DHCP options work very nicely but there are situations where you dont control the DHCP scope for the network you are mining from
(… one could say you shouldn’t be mining then, but that is another issue)

Im interested to know how people have converted this to a bootable image – i have been investigating native bootable HDD images, which would be suitable for writing to media.
combined with a writable options file in the root of the filesystem might achieve what you are after. the other option would be some kind of pull action from MinerAgent but this is hard to generically do.

[quote=“MiWCryptoCurrencyMA, post:1, topic:1223”]-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512

[ANN][LINUXLIVEISO][XPM][PTS] MinerAgent 1.4 - A small Linux Live System (amd64) for [remote] mining of CryptoCurrency (iso image, bootable)

I would like to announce the a new release of MinerAgent.
Version 1.4 adds jhPrimeminer-Aero by clintar DTC datacoin examples and DHCP autoconfiguaration
It shaves off a few unneeded libraries to come in at 99 MB

MinerAgent is a small [~100MB] (Linux) Debian Live iso, preconfigured for mining Primecoin and Protoshares with all needed libraries, sshd, perl, python, fail2ban, htop, screen & tmux.
It includes xolokrams primeminer/ptsminer & jh000 jhprimeminer/jhprotominer and jhprimeminer-aero, with some Debian Live script configurations.
It uses Debian sid (Linux 3.12; libboost-1.54; openssl-1.0.1f; libgmp-5.1.3; libdb-6.0; libc-2.17)

This iso should boot on any modern 64 bit PC or server and provide quick access to beeeeer rpool ypool xrampool and gpool pools with XPM PTS DTC Primecoin ProtoShare Datacoin mining. ****
This should work with any XPM or PTS pool that supports direct submission of payout addresses with either xolokrams or jh miners.
It is planned that this environment will have more CryptoCurrency support in future. Suggestions are requested.

To use: Insert into computer, or connect .iso to lights out or remote access console. Boot from disk or iso.
Please change your password!

mine with the following commands. you can use putty under windows, or ssh under unix to copy-paste.

  • -[XPM PrimeCoin]-[PTS ProtoShares]-[DTC Datacoin]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    XPM beeeeer: primeminer -pooluser=$PAYOUT -poolpassword=0 -poolip= -poolport=1337 -genproclimit=#cores
    XPM rpool: primeminer -pooluser=$PAYOUT -poolpassword=0 -poolip=rpool.net -poolport=8336 -genproclimit=#cores
    XPM ypool: jhprimeminer -o http://ypool.net -u . -p
    PTS beeeeer: ptsminer $PAYOUT #cores 27 avx
    PTS ypool: jhprotominer -o http://ypool.net -u . -p -t #cores -m512
    DTC gpool: primeminer -pooluser=$PAYOUT -poolpassword=0 -poolip= -poolport=8336 -poolshare=6 -genproclimit=#cores
    DTC xrampool: primeminer -poolip=xpool.xram.co -poolport=1339 -pooluser=$PAYOUT -genproclimit=#cores -poolshare=6

This Linux Live system requires no local storage and has no persistence. Passwords and any local configurations will be lost on reboot.
It is recommended that any local configurations be stored on a remote persistent store accessed via scp/ssh.
No “CryptoCurrency” exists in this iso, nor does it exist in the mining environment once booted. A miner submits shares on behalf of your payout address.

Miners included have been signed with MinerAgent public key. These miners were compiled from author or fork maintainer git repos with no modifications to the source.
Always be careful with unknown miner binaries. Malicious miners have been discovered in the wild!

Comments, Improvements, Feature Requests and Constructive Criticisms would be appreciated.

MiWMiner4gent@outlook.com (0xBF8A2DC7) pub.asc 3.13 KB (3203 bytes)


MinerAgent1.4.iso (99 MB)

MD5(MinerAgent1.4.iso)= 823d9bda1f71a9987995aa18b7db1d1f
SHA1(MinerAgent1.4.iso)= 3a31fcc6b3a08689e8571ee2035a04f07655aa4d
SHA256(MinerAgent1.4.iso)= 5f6122fa9acfe85bb71f04d867c940126c9b6be8279536289f0c60029a16aeb4


MinerAgent1.4.iso.sig (543 B)

MD5(MinerAgent1.4.iso.sig)= e7658bcaf1eb417d523f5d08aafa499f
SHA1(MinerAgent1.4.iso.sig)= bacd1673e051505ce4df47a80da31ab3de5caca7
SHA256(MinerAgent1.4.iso.sig)= 7928b345c60b4a289de4004a50b02e2514352409c66a18a15022f55cf9a833f7


Debian Live Scripts for generating iso:


CryptoCurrency mining is a resource intensive process. it will attempt to use 100% of CPU resources for mining, generate heat and noise (fans, dhcp logs, etc).
If you choose to use this software, please use it responsibly and only on hardware you own or are authorised to use.
No responsibility is taken for any damage to hardware caused by the use of this software. Cooling is essential.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)

-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----[/quote]

the original thread!
updated with 1.5 and new miners

How is it benefitial to primecoin and is it safe to use?

This was the original ANN thread for the client; I updated it, and so i have updated this thread.
It may no longer be viable to CPU mine Primecoin; this was created in another time (12 months ago!).
I have updated the post for the record.
It may be useful to people that are running CPU mining on other altcoins.

Yes, it is perfectly safe to use. All miners are unmodified from source, and signed.

txs for your prompt response

I have been trying to get this ISO up and running but I am getting an error that says :
708.258254 traps: xptminer-avx2-b[678] trap invalid opcode ip:401e68 sp:7ffb21b7f60 error:0 in xptminer-avv2-b16[400000+13c000]
can you please tell me how to fix this or what I should be doing that I am not??? thank you in advance…


i believe you are running the wrong miner binary for your CPU architecture.
this exception is generated when the avx2 binary contains an avx2 (Advanced Vector Extensions) CPU instruction the cpu doesn’t understand.
it could be cool if dga’s miner detected this

try the other dga miner xptminer-sse4-b16 does not contain the same avx2 optimizations, but should work on your processor.

$ xptminer-sse4-b16 -o poolurl -u workername -p password -t 4