[Discussion] Building a Professional Peercoin Video

I think our community needs something like the WeUseCoins video, that highlights the benefit of Peercoin. I think there might need to even be two videos. One where we explain Peercoin to the lay person, and the other were we explain Peercoin to people who already use and understand Bitcoin. I think we should take this topic to rough out a script and some ideas on how we can explain it. We can worry about producing the actually video once we have something. These videos should be no longer than 2 minutes.

Note I also created a topic for a Primecoin video as as well.

I agree a short video explaining PPcoin would be great, but it doesn’t need to be split into two videos. It can just be 30 seconds long.

The script can be something like:

“PPcoin is a cryptocurrency, like bitcoin, only it’s more environmentally friendly and ultimately more secure,”

“What is bitcoin?”

“Bitcoin is a decentralized Internet currency that is ‘mined’ by tens of thousands of individuals around the world using their computers. There is already a thriving market for Bitcoins, you can buy almost anything with them. Bitcoin became famous after it rose in value from pennies to hundreds of dollars per bitcoin over the course of a few years.”

“PPcoin is based on Bitcoin, but has a major upgrade.”

“So, lets check out PPcoin”

“Like Bitcoin, PPcoin can’t be inflated by a government, has miniscule transaction fees, even for large amounts of money, and there is no extra fee for international transfers. Like Bitcoin, PPcoin also allows anyone anywhere in the world to connect to the world wide economy, even people in third world countries with no bank account can start a Bitcoin or PPcoin business”.

“How is PPcoin environmentally friendly?”

"The Bitcoin mining network takes a colossal amount of electricity to run. No more than the traditional banking system, but its still a lot. But with PPCoin anyone who owns PPcoin generates new coins without having to set their computer to do mining. This means that PPcoin saves a lot of electricity. Everyone who owns PPcoin earns a 1% interest on their coins. This is where the new coins come from, instead of from energy intensive bitcoin mining. It has all the awesome benefits of Bitcoin, but without the waste. Plus, this feature will make the PPcoin network more secure than bitcoin in the long run.

So that’s it a rundown on PPcoin, the environmentally friendly cryptocurrency in 30 seconds."

You can get started with PPcoin by downloading the latest PPcoin wallet here."

Personally I think this would be very beneficial for the coin and would like to see a number of videos and information produced and used.

I have made this topic sticky to encourage others to get involved and for the whole transcrit to be worked out etc.


“miniscule transaction fees”, could be misleading, if the coin goes up 1,000% percent.

If PPC’s primary use becomes more of a safe-haven type asset and replaces gold because it is better for the environment than mining for real gold… more than anything else, fees would be too expensive to use it to buy small things with it. But people would still use it because it offers more security than Bitcoin and will be able to remain decentralized with personal control of savings.

[quote=“Excelsior”]Is this a better beginning?

“Peercoin (also called PPCoin or PPC), is a cryptocurrency (‘cryptocurrency’ linked to wikipedia), like Bitcoin, only it’s designed to be significantly more environmentally friendly, less expensive to use, has the most ideal inflation design and is far more secure. It is designed to be an ideal currency to be used around the world for transactions and as a store for wealth.”[/quote]

^That is good, but I’m not sure that it is less expensive to use. If you’re referring to the fixed transaction fee of 0.01ppc then its only less expensive now because the value per ppc is lower than bitcoin. If that’s not what you mean please say so, or we could take that part out. Also right now I don’t know that it is more secure than bitcoin because bitcoin has a much higher hashrate, even though long-term from what I understand proof of stake means Peercoin will be more secure, but isn’t yet (again correct me if I’m wrong).

The only other problem is that most people don’t understand bitcoin so there’s going to have to be an explanation about mining and how PPcoin generates coin by proof of stake vs mining (though probably better to avoid the term ‘proof of stake’ as thats a bit complicated, just calling it ‘interest’ is probably better).

How about this:

"Introducing Peercoin.

Peercoin, also called PPCoin or PPC, is a cryptocurrency (‘cryptocurrency’ linked to wikipedia), like Bitcoin, only it’s designed to be significantly more environmentally friendly, has the most ideal inflation design and will become much more secure. "

Peercoins are produced in two ways.

  1. Peercoins are ‘mined’ by thousands of individuals around the world using their computers to solve mathematical problems, just like bitcoin.

  2. Peercoins are ‘minted’ by anyone who owns them. Anyone who owns Peercoins gains from a 1% interest rate on their coins. This interest rate isn’t paid to you by anyone, but rather you generate brand new Peercoins simply by owning them. This means there is a lot less mining required to produce Peercoin and to make the network secure. This saves a lot of electricity, making Peercoin an eco-friendly currency."

I’m not sure if my modified version is any better than the first, what do people think? Its tricky trying to explain Peercoin to non-crypto-folk without explaining bitcoin first. Its a good idea to have that link to the wikipedia page about crytocurrencies but I think we still need a quick explanation about bitcoin in the Peercoin video. We just have to accept a quick explanation about bitcoin is needed before explaining Peercoin, otherwise it will be confusing.

Yeah. I’m liking where this is going. I think it might be worth it to cater to people who already know what Bitcoin is first, before we go try to market to the general public.

I have a massive PR list I’m willing to share to spread the word when the video is complete. I don’t have a lot of time these days, however, I’m a fan of Sunny’s work and willing to offer resources.

PPCoin, also called, p2pcoin, PPC or peercoin, is a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency]cryptocurrency[/url] like Bitcoin, only it is designed to be significantly more energy efficient, has the most ideal deflation/inflation design and will be much more secure. "

PPCoins are produced in two ways.

  1. PPCoins are ‘mined’ by thousands of individuals around the world using their computers to solve mathematical problems, just like Bitcoin, also called Proof of Work.

  2. PPCoins are ‘minted’ by anyone who owns them. Anyone who owns PPCoins gains from a 1% interest rate on their coins. This interest rate isn’t paid to you by anyone, but rather you generate brand new PPCoins simply by owning them. This means there is a lot less mining required to produce PPCoins and to make the network secure. This saves a lot of electricity, making PPCoin an eco-friendly currency, this way of mining is also called Proof of Stake"

Thought this was a good video approach:


Could we elaborate the unique design of PPC of its resemblance to GOLD?

I think Sunny had talked about this before. Let me quote:

"Just because you couldn’t understand how Moore’s Law regulates inflation in the long term does not mean it doesn’t work.

PPC has already demonstrated that it works very well, via an accelerated schedule due to the introduction of ASIC mining. PPC currently has the lowest inflation rate among all top altcoins. How about a collapse in demand? Let’s say PPC price drops to 0.0001, 6% of its current price, how about difficulty then, still gonna be at 60K, inflation rate is only going to double at most, still way less inflation than quite a few altcoins such as FTC. That is exactly as designed, Moore’s Law would dominate the scarcity model in the long term, demand only plays secondary role in short term.

The scarcity model is by design and of course intentional. It strengthens scarcity in the first four years than bitcoin’s design, meanwhile also gives early adopters/investors reasonable advantage. I am pro free market and do not have a jealousy problem toward them, rather I recognize their important roles to help with the growth of the currency.

What you link is propaganda from CMC people. They copied PPC without giving credit yet spread this propaganda about how PPC and XPM (among several other top altcoins) are unfair. Yet they conveniently forget to mention in their malicious propaganda that both PPC and XPM had about 10 days of pre-release notice so the mining public had fair opportunities to participate. Also, both PPC and XPM have no cap, meaning in the long term the seemingly high initial mint quantity would be constantly diluted unlike other coins with cap scarcity model."


I think this is probably a good idea. If anyone has not seen the video that is being referred to in the first post, check it here…


There is a reason why this video has millions of views. It’s modern, very simple and easy to understand and it’s professional high quality work. We should not half ass this video. We need something similar to the production quality of this Bitcoin video and we’ll put it right on the main website as an introduction for new people.

The only difference is that it will be marketing mainly to the people who already know what Bitcoin is, so there won’t be any reason to go over the really basic stuff. Instead, we should have animated representations of the ideas behind Peercoin and what makes it better than Bitcoin. The video needs to be just as simple to understand as the one above (NO COMPLICATED EXPLANATIONS!) and about the same length. Don’t make it too short and not sell the ideas well enough and don’t make it too long and bore people. Anyone have any idea how much that video cost to make?

Technically, the 1% PoS reward is not really “interest”. From a legal standpoint, it is not interest. All it really is is an increase in the money supply, evenly distributed.

I think that Matt608’s proposed video is nearly perfect. However, we need to stress that PPC is ultimately more secure over the long term as a result of POS mining and not prone to centralization like BTC. The environmental aspect is a non-trivial, but much less important selling point.

I registered because of this thread.

@super3, I still remember your Blender tutorials. ;D

Back to topic.

As mentioned before, Bitcoin should be part of the video. But the balance of how much bitcoin to peercoin info must weigh heavier to the later. Bitcoin is used to familiarize the topic, like an opener to the section (also to make bitcoiners find PPC easier, since they are related :stuck_out_tongue: this shouts marketing).

I hate to use this word >> Buzz-words should be used to make presentation more catchy, but with the balance of not over using them.

ie: (cherry picking from everyone here ;D )

  1. PPC is ultimately more secure over the long term as a result of POS mining and not prone to centralization (“POS” and “centralization” these words need clarification)
  2. PPC currently has the lowest inflation rate among all top altcoins.
  3. This means there is a lot less mining required to produce PPCoins and to make the network secure.

Few examples presented above will lead to more questions.
ie: cryptocurrency << who is our target audience? do we need to change that to “a peer-to-peer, decentralized, digital currency whose implementation relies on the principles of cryptography to validate the transactions and generation of the currency itself”

“interest”, should be >> inflationary measure

In short, everything should starts with a bang (like PPC is the improved bitcoin) and ends with a high note (best points about PPC).

[quote=“LightBWK, post:14, topic:399”]I registered because of this thread.

@super3, I still remember your Blender tutorials. ;D

Back to topic.

As mentioned before, Bitcoin should be part of the video. But the balance of how much bitcoin to peercoin info must weigh heavier to the later. Bitcoin is used to familiarize the topic, like an opener to the section (also to make bitcoiners find PPC easier, since they are related :stuck_out_tongue: this shouts marketing).

I hate to use this word >> Buzz-words should be used to presentation more catchy, but with the balance of not over using them.

ie: (cherry picking from everyone here ;D )

  1. PPC is ultimately more secure over the long term as a result of POS mining and not prone to centralization (“POS” and “centralization” these words need clarification)
  2. PPC currently has the lowest inflation rate among all top altcoins.
  3. This means there is a lot less mining required to produce PPCoins and to make the network secure.

Few examples presented above will lead to more questions.
ie: cryptocurrency << who is our target audience? do we need to change that to “a peer-to-peer, decentralized, digital currency whose implementation relies on the principles of cryptography to validate the transactions and generation of the currency itself”

“interest”, should be >> inflationary measure

In short, everything should starts with a bang (like PPC is the improved bitcoin) and ends with a high note (best points about PPC).[/quote]Ha ha. Bitcoin tutorials are coming soon.

While it will be important to explain how it is known as PPC on the exchanges…

Let’s avoid saying “Pee Pee” more than once or twice in the video.

Keep re-iterating it is Peercoin as much as possible instead.

I’ve heard idiotic statements by immature people that the coin can’t take off because of the words “pee pee” in “ppc”. While that’s dumb, I still don’t want to see the video perpetrate the problem further. :slight_smile:

I have started a Google doc to facilitate the video production.


@super3, can you put the Google Doc link on your 1st post of this thread? Please. :smiley:

Chinese are crazy about the mining and has a long tradition of saving money. If they
PoS mining could be the major selling point for chinese.
It would be nice to mention this in the video.

I just released a PoS mining guide with captions and it was on website headline already.


I’m a motion graphics artist and I’m Interested in helping with this marketing video for PPC. How could I be of service?

I quickly reviewed the Google doc of ideas but I’m not too knowledgeable on the technical side so it will take longer for me to add my input. I just know what makes sense and know how to making it appealing. I’m invested in PPC and want it to grow so donations with whatever people thought was worthy when it’s done is good enough. I did this video - https://vimeo.com/65254793 and have plenty more under my belt.

Ideas, designers, voice over talents welcome to have the idea dumbed down for the masses.

Love this idea!